Category Archives: Life & Family

Carnival Cruise 2022

In January 2021, I cruised with Brian, Carrie and the boys to the western Caribbean. I’ve been wanting to cruise the eastern area, and after the pandemic eased, the Reeds were ready to sail again too. We booked a 7 … Continue reading

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This was one of those decade birthdays for me. I turned 70 years old last weekend. Eek!! In actuality, I’ve never really been bothered by my age. Maybe it’s because I’m active and fit and look pretty good for my … Continue reading

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A little bit of fun in a pandemic year

When the pandemic hit in 2020, I was holding an active Disneyland annual pass with 5 months left on it. When Disney closed the parks indefinitely, they refunded everyone’s unused portions. This indicated a long shutdown, and also led to … Continue reading

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2021 Year in Review

My annual review is posted here.

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The Thompsons!

We had a big wedding in our family a couple weeks ago! My granddaughter Megan married her sweetheart Christian Thompson. Christian popped the question in February, and she said “YES!” Immediately wedding preparations commenced, and Robin’s sewing/crafting studio became wedding … Continue reading

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Back together in Arizona

My brothers and I grew up in Tucson, but around 1965, we began to scatter. Richard off to PCC, then the army and Vietnam; Dale back to New York to take over Grandma & Grandpa’s farm; Daryl to San Francisco, … Continue reading

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