New York City, November 2010

I went to New York City last week with a group of eight women from church (this included Robin and me). We had a blast! A blast, I tell you! I decided to break up my long blog post into separate entries for each day, so my readers don’t get bored halfway through and give up on me. So here’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.

Getting there

When I went to bed on Wednesday night, I knew 4:00 a.m. would come early, so what did I do?  I woke up at 2:30 and could not get back to sleep. My ride to the airport arrived at 5:30 with six women from Spring of Life Christian Church already loaded. It was a game of Tetris getting my suitcases added to the twelve already in the back of the van, but Brenda did it, and we were off! Robin was flying from Boise and meeting us at LaGuardia airport. When we were delayed out of Chicago, I feared she would have a long wait, but alas, the problems were in New York, and she was also delayed – out of Detroit. Her airline obviously had more clout than ours because she arrived an hour before us, but passed the time reading on her iPad until we landed.

Our Sheraton hotel, The Manhattan at Times Square was located on 7th Avenue between Central Park and Times Square. We were in the heart of the theater district, and Robin’s and my room had a lovely view of the top of the front door ramada and the building next door. But if we looked up and outward, we could see Times Square, a beautiful sight at night.

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