The Opening Ceremonies for the Olympics last night was absolutely breathtaking. The precision of the thousands of Chinese performers was unbelievable. Toward the end, there were 2008 people forming a perfect circle, with each row ruler straight and not one body out of position. Have you ever seen a circle of 10 people in perfect position? How about doing it with 2008, and not one marker on the floor! The lighting of the torch is always cool, but this year it made me gasp just watching it on TV. I can’t imagine what it must have been like to be in the stadium.
The announcers mentioned that the directors realized the perfection was so intimidating, that they had told the performers to smile more just that afternoon. You could see big smiles on their faces. It must have been an honor to participate.
The parade of athletes was anti-climactic after that brilliant show. The TV commentators are saying it is unsurpassed in memorable history and probably will remain so for many years in the future. If you missed it, you should go search YouTube.