Latest on Carrie

I have had people calling me and emailing me asking for an update on Carrie. Thank you for your continuing concern. There’s not much new to tell yet. She sees the doctor on Friday for her second check following surgery.

She is having a lot of pain. Just imagine taking your eye out of its socket, squeezing a tight silicone band around it, sewing a buckle onto it and putting it back in the socket! It makes mine hurt just thinking about it. She has to have drops put in 4 times a day, and they sting something terrible, she said. She does have some vision in that eye, but it’s very blurry. (She was able to see two fingers that the doctor held up.) Her eye is shut most of the time, and she wants to keep it that way for now. She will have to wear a patch for driving (eventually) for a while. She has some helpers each day this week to assist with the kids and her eye drops. Me … I’m working second shift and overtime this week plus the weekend (an emergency project), so I’m no help at all.

Thanks again for your prayers and concern. I told her there are many people asking about and praying for her, and she feels really blessed by that.

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4 Responses to Latest on Carrie

  1. Donna says:

    Carrie said this morning the pain is decreasing. She even drove a short distance this morning (over to her mother’s to pick up an extra carseat). Unfortunately, her van was hit while she was there. Fortunately, no one was in it when it happened. But there is enough damage that it will have to be repaired soon. Just another complication in an already stressful life!

  2. Robin says:

    Oh! Poor Carrie! I’m so glad she wasn’t in her van when it was hit. As if they needed “one more thing”. Wish I was there to help.

  3. Don says:

    It’s been 2 days since your last update. How is she doing now? The left coast is concerned and wants to know.

  4. Dianna says:

    I was so dismayed to hear of Carrie’s problems and surgery. Thank the Lord that this procedure is now available to reattach the retina and I pray she soon is on the road to good health. My thoughts and prayers with them all.

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