Sound advice

I have some advice for everyone who reads this. If your refrigerator goes out, do not eat any leftovers from said refrigerator for dinner, even if it seems to taste fine. It will not be so fine at 4:30 the next morning. Additionally, you may find yourself working from home that day where you can be close to the facilities.

And now the fun news … I just bought a new refrigerator!

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13 Responses to Sound advice

  1. Heather says:

    Wow! What an exciting way to decide to buy a new fridge!

    Hope you are feeling better soon!

  2. Daryl says:

    You have all the fun!

  3. Dianna says:

    Hope your troubles are now behind you. But new appliances are always fun, too!

  4. Don says:

    So how are the Diamondbacks doing now?

  5. Jocelyn says:

    Has your kid made it to idaho?

  6. Donna says:

    Dang it! We were just tasting first place and started losing again. Yesterday we dropped down another notch on the wildcard race. Come on, Diamondbacks, let’s GO!!!

    Your Dodgers must be making you happy. 🙂

  7. Don says:

    I think the fact they are ahead of the Diamondbacks makes me the happiest. Does that make me bad? 😉

  8. Jocelyn says:

    So, is it one of the cool fridges with the freezer on the bottom? that’s what me and eric want when we replace ours.. but that won’t be for a while.

  9. Donna says:

    Nope, it’s a plain ol’ freezer on top type. It’s a Whirlpool, and has some neat door bins, but other than that, it’s pretty basic. I looked at the freezer on bottom ones and decided I didn’t want to bend over that far every time I had to get into it. (Oh, my aching back!)

  10. Jocelyn says:

    I think it’s a weight loss trick. Having to bend down for your ice cream, It takes an extra step so you have longer to think about it plus you burn a few more calories.. over time.

  11. Donna says:

    But what about bending over to get out the frozen broccoli? That might discourage me enough to just go for the brownies on the counter! 🙂

  12. Heather says:

    mmmmmmmmmmm… brownies!!!

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