New Grandson

As everyone has heard, I have a new grandson! Andrew Lewis Reed was born June 12 at 10:12 a.m., weighing 7 lbs 6 ozs and was 21 inches long. His proud parents are Brian and Carrie. Andrew is adopted … a “chosen” baby … grown in the heart instead of Carrie’s tummy. His birth mother is a 24 year old girl who was originally going to keep Andy. But as she began to calculate her finances and the cost of trying to be both mom and dad to him while working and getting her college degree, she realized he would be much better off placed with a loving and Christian two parent family who could afford to meet his needs (and many of his wants!)

Andrew’s is an open adoption; they will have contact with Ashley as the baby grows up. They met together before he was born to work out a “covenant” agreement, and at that time Ashley expressed her desire to breastfeed. Carrie is a strong advocate of the advantages of mother’s milk, and so they mutually agreed that Ashley will pump milk for Andy for the first few months. Carrie made the first “milk run” when Andrew was 6 days old (Ashley lives about 60 miles away) and picked up about 30 two ounce packets of frozen milk. Andrew has taken to it voraciously.

We’re told his father had red hair, but so far Andrew’s is dark brown. He has fine features, blue eyes, a beautiful nose, and the sweetest disposition of any baby anywhere. In his first week he was held by at least 30 different people, as all the relatives, friends and L.I.F.E. staff paraded through the hospital and later the family room to see and hold this new little star of the show.

Nathan is as excited as any big brother could possibly be. He wants to hold him, give him his bottle and decide when he should be put in his cradle for a nap. He will wiggle toys and wind up music boxes whether Andrew is awake and in the room or not. He is happy to bring diapers and wipes when Andrew needs changing, but stops short at getting his own hands into the dirty work. 😉

Lauren doesn’t seem to notice Andrew yet, but Carrie says she loves to watch other babies that are doing things. So we’re sure she will begin to show interest as Andrew gets bigger and starts moving around. She’s such a sweetie and is in a very mellow stage of her development, so she’s easy to have around with a new baby in the mix. I’m sure things will be challenging when one or more are sick or fussy, but what family doesn’t deal with that?

I’m trying to get in as much holding time as I can this week because I”m leaving on Friday for a summer road trip to Portland. Glenda and I are going up to see Alice, and driving through Boise to spend a couple of nights with Robin and family. I’ll blog along the way. As you are aware, when Glenda and I get on the road together, we have lots of adventures and getting lost is sure to be one of them! (Do you think I should consider buying a GPS before heading out. 😉 )

Here’re some pictures. Enjoy, and feel free to lavish compliments!

Just a few hours old

Proud new mommy & daddy

Nonna’s first look

Ashley & her grandma give a tearful goodbye

Nathan holding Andrew for the first time

(I’m not sure if Andrew is crying or yawning. We’ll give Nathan the benefit of the doubt and say yawning.)

Lauren checks out Andrew’s fingers

Nathan helps with the bottle

Heather holds Andrew.

(Don’t know what was wrong with the camera settings. It’s not Heather. She looked perfect!)

Nathan was never far from Andrew the first evening.

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4 Responses to New Grandson

  1. Don says:

    Woo Hoo! Yay for Andrew Reed! Welcome to the family!

  2. Mom says:

    That little guy brings joy to the whole family, and the fact that his middle name is Lewis connects him with his ancestors as far back as surnames were used. Lewis was the first or middle name in nearly every generation back to Laban Lewis, who is on the Lafferty side. He was born in 1793, so the tiny little boy is definitely a part of the family.

  3. Daryl says:

    About time you blogged this. Us non-Facebook, non-Twitter addicts don’t always get the latest info!
    Congratulations to baby, new mother, father, brother, sister, grandmother, and all.
    I have to say that he definitely looks as much like a baby as any baby I have ever seen.

  4. Alice says:

    I love those pictures and what a sweet/sad picture of mom and grandma saying good-bye. Makes me cry thinking about it.

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